Product brochures
Energy Saving Glass
Decorative Glass
- Residential glass guide - a guide for builders and home owners on how to choose the right glass
- Commercial glass guide - a guide for architects and facade people on how to specify the right glass for commercial projects
- Low-E performance data chart - compare the performance of various low-E glass products
- Low-E Glass Coatings Explained - a deep dive into the various low-E glass coatings and glazing options
- Glass for Energy Efficiency - how glass selection impacts a buildings' energy performance
- Glass for Health & Productivity - the less tangible benefits of glass performance
- Optimising Daylighting and Heat Gain with Dynamic Glass - the benefits of dynamic glass on a building and its occupants
- Thermochromic Glass with Low-E in an IGU - the benefits of teaming a low-E IGU up with Solar Responsive Thermochromic technology
- Retro-glazing Tips for Improved Energy Efficiency - glazing options available for older windows limited by a thinner sash
- Glazing for Commercial Facades under the new NCC Section J - balancing light and solar control of commercial facades under the new requirements
- Glazing for residential buildings under the NCC Energy Reforms - how to achieve a NAtHERS 7 star rating equivalent
- Modernise the Home - Key Reasons to Upgrade your Window and Glazing Systems